L. David Sibley, PhD

L. David Sibley, PhD

Alan A. & Edith L. Wolff Distinguished Professor of Molecular Microbiology

Research Interest:
We are using comparative genomics and genetics to define virulence determinants in the model intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii. and to examine the cellular and molecular basis of motility and host cell invasion.

Sibley Lab

Christina Stallings, PhD

Christina Stallings, PhD

Theodore and Bertha Bryan Professorship in Environmental Medicine

Research Interest:
Molecular pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Stallings Lab

Gregory Storch, MD

Gregory Storch, MD

Primary Department of Medicine Pediatrics

Phillip I. Tarr, MD

Phillip I. Tarr, MD

Primary Department of Medicine Pediatrics

Joseph Vogel, PhD

Joseph Vogel, PhD

Associate Professor of Molecular Microbiology

Research Interest:
We study the ability of Legionella pneumophila and Coxiella burnetii to replicate inside host cells, specifically focusing on the assembly and function of type IV secretion systems.

Vogel Lab

Dave Wang, PhD

Dave Wang, PhD

Robert C Packman Professor of Molecular Microbiology

Research Interest:
Detection, identification and characterization of novel and emerging viruses.

Wang Lab

Gary J. Weil, MD

Gary J. Weil, MD

Primary Department of Medicine Infectious Diseases

Sean Whelan, PhD

Sean Whelan, PhD

Marvin A. Brennecke Distinguished Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Department Head

Research Interest:

The Whelan lab studies gene expression and viral-host interactions in RNA viruses, including coronavirus/SARS-CoV-2 and Ebola

Whelan Lab

Meng Wu, PhD

Meng Wu, PhD

Assistant Professor of Molecular Microbiology

Research Interest:

We investigate the interplay among the microbiota, stromal cells, and the immune system through the integration of microbiology and immunology with systems biology.

Wu Lab Website


Ting Zhang, PhD

Ting Zhang, PhD

Assistant Professor of Molecular Microbiology

Research Interests:

The Zhang lab is interested in understanding the function of infection-stimulated bile metabolites. We also investigate the genetic requirements for Listeria monocytogenes survival and persistence during systemic infection.

Zhang Lab